Hi my name is EDELIZA CALVEZ CASILAC in short you can call me ede and juday

23 years old,I was born on JUNE 01,1997.In the city of Mandaluyong City.

I'm the kind of person that easy to please and Kalog when i'm with my friends or closest friend.

I have two siblings their name is Edmond and Edgar Casilac.

My hobbies in life is watching t.v and reading wattpad. And i'd like to play badminton, listening music when i was sad.

And also i want to go to the places that unfamiliar to me, because i want to explore and learn new things.

My father's name is Eduardo Pogoy Casilac and he is a driver.

My mother's name is Monalisa Casilac, she is caring mother backthen before our family transfer to Leyte Province.

But we stay in Leyte without our father because my father had work in Malate Manila so that my father live alone.

Even if my father has not with us he will never fail to sustain and support our need for almost two years,

because my mother had an affair and have a child with another man.

And so that when i was only 12 years old my parents separated with each other.

So my father fetch me and my siblings to come with him and live my mother together with her child in leyte.

And together with my father we transfer here in Tandang Sora.

But even if my father has the only one that provide our need i continue my study in Sauyo.

And until now even if he is the only one who supporting our needs.

And even if we obey and not following his rule he did'nt get mad and tired of me and my siblings.

But when the day come that my father got a mildstroke we did'nt know what we gonna do,

but with the help of our aunt my father got recover. So that i'm thankful with my aunt,

because she's always there with me and my siblings to check if we are okay while my father is in Malate to work.

And now that i'm already 19 years old and a college student taking up Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship.

at Quezon City Polytechnic University.But even if i don't like this course i continue this.

Because at first this course has a major in accountancy that i'd like to take when i enter my college life,

because i want to compute numbers and that involve with the money.

And my dream is to finish my study, find a job and become successful in life.

So that i can help my father, because i want him to relax and giveback all the effort and love that he give to me and my siblings.

And also i want to feel my father that we love him even if we did'nt tell him everyday on how much we love him.